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  • Writer's picturePaul Atkins Plastering

Taking Care of Your Newly Plastered Walls & Ceilings

One of the most common materials used in construction across the UK is plaster. This material is popular as it is relatively inexpensive, simple to work with, and also easy to repair. However, it doesn’t last forever and will eventually show signs of general wear and tear or damage, just like other construction materials.

Plastered Wall Watford, by Paul Akins Plastering
How to Look After Your Plastered Walls & Ceilings

You may find your plaster ceilings and walls develop issues with ageing, so it pays to know what types of problem can occur and how to rectify them. That way, you can do necessary plastering repairs before the issue becomes bigger and more expensive. Let’s take a look at the most common plastering problems.

Cracked Plaster

This is the most common problem with plaster ceilings and walls. When left unnoticed, cracks can develop into a bigger problem later. Cracks could merely be signs of ageing similar to the wrinkling of fruits, or they could be a symptom of a larger issue. That is why you have to inspect the nature of the crack so you can determine whether it can be mended through a DIY effort or you need professional help.

When inspecting your plaster ceilings and walls, check for hairline cracks. There cracks are small and considered benign. If you try fitting your fingernail in the crack and have difficulty doing so, then it’s a hairline crack and nothing to worry about as you can easily go the DIY route to fix it.

However, you are better off not messing with the cracks if they start growing. It’s a job for professional plasterers.

The Danger of Delaminating Cracks

Delaminating cracks are bigger than hairline cracks. They present a warning that the plaster is moving away from its lath and showing up prominently on the walls. When the bigger cracks start showing up on the ceilings or walls, this means dangers.

If you see plaster pulling away from the wall behind, it will likely fall away completely. It could even crash down on top of people in the household. If the crack is on the ceiling, the plaster could also land on expensive stuff beneath.

To preserve the structural integrity of your ceilings and walls, let the professionals handle the plastering repairs.

Discoloured Plaster

This is a warning sign that your home is suffering from water damage. You may need to contact the nearest plasterer in your area if you want to protect your home from this situation. But first, how do you identify discoloured plaster?

Check your ceilings and walls for brown stains. If you do spot them, then this means that a leak is bound to begin soon. Brown stains are generally an early warning system of the water damage that is about to follow. You can try applying a stain blocking paint primer to block away the stain.

But it would be safer if you get a professional to take a look at the stains. You have to do this as soon as possible if you don’t want your family to be caught unawares over a weekend or in the middle of the night due to leaks.

Bubbling Plaster

So, we’ve mentioned brown stains as warning signs of water damage. Once the leaks affect your plaster and are left unnoticed, there will then be bubbling. In a few days, the bubbling of the plaster will start bulging out.

This problem can sometimes arise with no warnings at all. The moisture on the walls and ceilings is most likely causing the problem, so it will need to be dried out immediately. You may need to get professional plasterers inspect the ceiling and the roof to rule out any structural deficiencies and take of the plaster issue.


If you spot a whitish crystalline substance on the surface of your walls, that’s efflorescence. Its formation is due to the unburn salt present in lime, brick, cement, sand, and salt in water. The soluble salts absorb moisture from the atmosphere when the wall dries out.

The moisture seeps through the pores and gets deposited in patches in the form of white crystalline. Efflorescence can be managed by repeated dry brushing and washing, but only to some extent. It disappears in wet climates and reappears in dry climates.


Holes in plaster walls are a result of bumping into or hitting the plaster too hard. They don’t necessarily pose any real danger to the plaster or structures. Still, they should be fixed so they don’t get any worse.

The danger comes when the holes expose any wires or insulation inside the wall. Fortunately, these holes are easy to fix. Once you fix them, install a stopper behind the door so the door handles don’t keep hitting the wall and damage it.

For Plastering Repairs, Trust the Professionals

Are you currently dealing with a plastering problem in Watford or Rickmansworth, and can’t seem to remedy it? Turn to Paul Atkins Plastering for professional plaster repairs. We provide a wide range of plastering services to cater to different plastering needs.

Whether it involves wet plastering or dry lining, there is no job that is too small or big for us. Here at Paul Atkins Plastering, we’re dedicated to doing a good job, and we pride ourselves on our insurance work, putting safety at the forefront of our services. Don’t hesitate in touch to get your plaster walls and ceilings fixed.

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